Mission & History
Mission Statement
“The mission of Sylvania Arts is to promote the awareness, interest and understanding of performing arts, arts education and visual arts in the greater Sylvania community for residents of all ages.”
Our History
Sylvania Community Arts Commission began in 1980 as a grassroots committee who focused on the visual arts while working to acquire public art and promote the creation of art through the 1980’s and 1990’s. In 2004 Sylvania Arts was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the State of Ohio. We operate with a community based board of volunteers with one part time paid Executive Director.
Sylvania Arts has grown dramatically over the past 20 years through the addition of diverse and innovative community programs. The Sylvania Community Orchestra has had its roots in the area for more than 70 years. It is currently made up of 65 playing members and performs four free community concerts spread throughout the seasons. In 2011, SA launched its first community festival, Maple & Main Art and Music Festival that attracts nearly 6,000 people annually. Then in 2012, the SA started the Tree City Film Festival, which includes a 50 Hour Film Challenge for community members and has inspired over 100 local films to be made. The festival also hosts a free, public screening of “Oscar-nominated Shorts'' and has expanded to include Shorties U, a four-week program taught by local filmmakers that helps youth in grades 5-8 create their own films. Students have produced over 150 original short films through this workshop.
Our Sylvania Youth Theater program introduces students in grades 3-12 to learn and practice the art of theater. Our program includes a summer day camp, a series of spring workshops offering classes covering different skill sets and interests, and a fall musical production. All of our camps and workshops include a summative theatrical stage production.
In 2015 SA was instrumental in creating the Red Bird Arts District in downtown Sylvania, which hosts Friday Art Walks. This was a collaboration between the Sylvania Arts and the Sylvania Downtown Association, who currently manages the Art Walks.
Sylvania Arts sponsors the artwork that you see on many of the structures around town, everything from murals painted on the sides of buildings & bridges, artistic wraps around utility boxes, and the banners that adorn the street lamps in our downtown. Our community art has expanded to include sponsorship of Opera on Wheels which has successfully introduced the wonders of opera to elementary students around the county.
Now in its 43rd year, Sylvania Arts looks forward to the future with hopes of growing, and diversifying access to visual and performing arts for all of Sylvania and NW Ohio residents.